[Comic: 698]

   "It’s so good to be alive," Rumy said to the raining sky. "So good."

   "Yes…" said Katherine, feeling as if she was walking along a small cavern in pitch blackness. How much sanity was still there? "Rumy… could you show a little more consideration? I mean, I don’t think Rikk would appreciate it if you gave him a cold…"

   "Hm," said Rumy, still smiling beatifically. "I suppose you’re right." She got up and smoothed the leaves off Rikk’s shirt.

   "Consideration!" she said, suddenly giggling.

   Katherine kept up the empty smile and kicked her cerebellum into high gear. Maybe she’s DRUNK. Side effect of the mind-transfer? This is how she acts when she’s had a few, and Rikk never drinks but I’d peg him for a quiet drunk…

   "Let’s do something, Katherine," said Rumy brightly. "Do you want to do something?"

   Be neutral. Be a yes-woman. "Like what, Rumy?"

   "Oh, anything! The student gallery isn’t far from here. They have a new exhibit, if you’re willing?"

   "Sure thing."

   And if you end up swinging from the wooden mobile like a chimpanzee, I’ll just tell people you’re part of the exhibit.

   Rikk paced uneasily, and unsteadily. In Rumy’s body, it would have been easier to walk like Rumy than to walk like Rikk, but Rikk refused to allow himself even that level of familiarity with Rumy’s body. This whole transfer feels like infidelit–like taking advantage. It’d be easier in Katherine’s body. Rumy’s so much more… innocent, even after everything that’s happened to her… she holds on…

   He felt Rumy’s stomach growl. He’d have to send Will out to get them some ramen… no, cheeseburgers, Rumy prefers American food. She was really diving into a lot of American culture head first. One more thing he admired about her.

   "Progress, Tim?"

   "Progress," replied Tim, "noun, one, headway, advancement, gradual improvement, two, what we are makin’ at th’ speed of monkey evolution. Every time I think I got half this thing figured, the other half gets away from me. It’s like tryin’ ta lick two at th’ same time."

   Long practice told him that neither Will nor Rikk would ever ask, lick two what. Long practice also told him that Will, at least, would imagine several answers and squirm uncomfortably. Will was so cute when he did that, like a little plushie bunny.

   Sure enough, Will was squeezing his fists and trying not to look tense. Tim grinned for a split second, then turned back to the problem ahead of him.

   "I mean, I connect this framistat--"


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